NY Times best selling author of The Hormone Cure, Dr. Sara Gottfried knows a thing or two about balancing the endocrine system. So what’s the big deal about our hormones? Well, they effect everything from our weight to our fertility. We are not designed to deal with thousands of chemicals on a daily basis, but as new products emerge, we are constantly bombarded by unnatural scents and an entourage of fumes. Whether by touching receipts stamped with BPA or applying lipsticks that contain led, we are exposed to these endocrine disrupters regularly. The good news is, there are many ways we can be proactive about it! Dr. Gottfried gives us the divvy on what hormone unbalance looks like and the ways we can protect and heal them.
How Do We Get Exposed?
Exposure is due to many daily actives. The chemicals we drag in on our shoes from walking the streets, the lipsticks tainted with led, as well as the products we use to clean our homes, remain factors in the upset of our endocrine system. Stress, for instance is a major culprit. We all dance with stress in a different way, and we have to constantly work to not get stressed out. Our bodies are in a constant state of Fight or Flight (what our ancestors would experience to evade a tiger). This ravages the hormone system with fluctuations and results in strange symptoms like scent sensitivities, digestion issues, and weight problems. Rest and Digest is an important part of restoring our hormones and establishing a great work/life balance.
Relax. There are rarely any tigers to run away from.
Shifts to Make
Balance: get intentional about what you want out of your day. Start off with meditation or yoga poses. Go for a walk. Don’t touch the phone. Architect your day the right way.
Food Intention: Beginning the day with meals rich in nutrients like a healthy shake, or pasture raised eggs is a great start!
Take off Shoes: Don’t tread those chemical ridden shoes in the house.
Look at your Labels: use organic products as much as possible, especially things like makeup or cleaning products.
Love up your Liver: take supplements that support it like NAC.
Stick with the Tried and True: glass containers and pans not lined in teflon are far safer choices than plastic plagued products. Be wary of “BPA free”.