Your brain is involved in every thing you do, how you think, how you act, what you decide… When your brain is healthy, you are happier, healthier, wealthier, wiser, more creative and more innovative. But what if your brain is not functioning at peak performance – what then?
The good news is you are not stuck with the brain you have.No matter what state your brain is in now, you can make it better. Here’s how.
Learn what hurts brain health:
- Brain Injuries
- Alcohol
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- High Blood Pressure
- Standard American Diet
- Environmental Toxins
- Lack of Exercise
- ANT’s (Automatic Negative Thoughts)
Learn what enhances brain health:
- Positive Social Connections – The people you spend time with determine your longevity.
- New Learning – Whenever you learn something new, your brain makes new connections.
- Great Diet – Food is either medicine or poison.
- Sleep – Your brain cannot function properly without a chance to rest and revive.
- Exercise – Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain.
- Healthy Anxiety Levels – You need to be worried enough about your brain health to act.
- Meditation – Activates the front part of your brain
- Gratitude – The best medication is not prozac, it’s meditation.
- ANT (automatic negative thought) Killing – Don’t believe every stupid thought you have.
OK, now you have the information necessary to make your brain better. Starting is simple. Take it one step at a time. Eliminate or reduce one thing from the top list and replace it with one from the bottom list.
In as little as two months, you will start to see an improvement in the way your brain operates. With each noticeable improvement, you can add another positive and eliminate another negative. Each step brings you closer to a healthy brain.
Remember, you are not stuck with the brain you have. You can make it better.
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