Your body really is your sacred temple so keeping it fed and fueled with the best good quality foods possible is an easy way to stay healthy. But optimal health is not just about what we put on the inside of our bodies it’s about what we put on the outside as well.
Something often forgotten is taking the time to love and nourish the skin we are in. Skin is the largest external organ on your body and it deserves big love! Our skin is what keeps our sacred temple together. Taking extra care to think about what we put on should be a no brainer.
Alternatives to Toxins
There are thousands of chemicals that are used as ingredients in our skin care products, including pesticides, reproductive toxins,and endocrine disruptors. The average American woman puts 12 – 20 chemicals on her skin daily and 60% of what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream and many of the ingredients are toxic.
Nature’s RX
Good news, there are several options to start taking the toxins out of your makeup and skincare routine. Find good quality organic products. Read the labels and avoid the chemical laden skin care products with a list of funky ingredients that are toxic like parabens, sodium laureth sulfate, and oxybenzone. A great resource to find safer products is the Skin Deep database at www.cosmeticsdatabase.com.
The most fun option is to make your own do -it – yourself skincare products using ingredients like essential oils and other natural ingredients. You will know they are safe, toxin free and they will smell great too. Making your own products will also help the environment. Massed produced commercial cosmetics are created in bulk and contribute to air pollution during manufacturing. And not only are they toxic to your skin when using them, many products are washed down the drain which adds to an even more toxic environment where they contaminate our water sources and soil.
Magic Concoctions and a Word of Caution
Want to know the best way to get started with your homemade products? Pinterest has an abundance of recipes for potions and lotions that are do-it-yourself. Start with small batches to try it out to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction to it and stop using it if you experience any discomfort.
Loving yourself organically means living a life that is simple, healthy and as close to nature as possible. These are the key ingredients to living a happy, healthy life…it’s good for you and good for our planet too.