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Life can be a pain in the neck—literally—when your posture is out of alignment.
Bad habits such as slouching, hunching over a screen, or even just sitting at a desk for long hours can lead to tension, stiffness, and pain in your neck and back.
It’s time to take a stand—or a seat—for better posture!
Targeted stretches and exercises can improve your flexibility and strengthen key muscles, improving your posture and reducing, or even eliminating, your neck and back pain.
Ready to “straighten up” your daily routine? Let’s explore some simple exercises to improve your posture and help your neck and back feel their best.
What Is Good Posture?
Before we look into specific exercises, let’s take a closer look at what good posture is.
You’ve probably been told to “stand up straight” or “stop slouching” at some point. Maybe you’ve even tried walking with a book balanced on your head.
But what does good posture actually mean?
Far from a stiff, ram-rod straight back or lifted chin, good posture is actually quite natural. It simply means keeping your body aligned, so your muscles and joints don’t have to work harder than they should.
For example, when you’re standing, good posture means that your ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles are in a straight vertical line. And when you’re sitting, it’s about keeping your back supported, shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the ground.
But good posture isn’t just when you’re sitting or standing still. There are two types of posture: static and dynamic. Static posture, which we briefly mentioned, is when you’re sitting, standing, or sleeping. Your dynamic posture is when your body is in motion—walking, gardening, cleaning, or simply reaching for something on a shelf.
Focusing on both will keep your body—and your posture—looking and feeling great.
Why Is Good Posture Important?
Why does good posture matter?
It’s not just about looking better in pictures or having a more proper appearance.
Poor posture pulls or pushes your muscles into positions that aren’t aligned with your body’s natural alignment. This can put an extra strain on your neck and back, leading to stiffness, discomfort, long-term pain, or worse.
Here are some of the health issues that can be caused by poor posture:
- Back and neck pain—which can lead to other issues, such as headaches or jaw pain
- Breathing difficulties
- Digestive issues
- Poor circulation
- Spinal misalignment
But there’s good news! With a few simple exercises, you can improve your posture and reduce neck and back pain. And your body will feel stronger, looser, and less tense.
How Posture Exercises Can Help
Whether you spent too much time looking down at your phone, slept in an awkward position, or simply didn’t watch your form at the gym, neck and back pain can happen to anyone.
One of the most effective ways to reduce that pain—and more importantly, avoid it in the future—is with posture exercises.
There are two types of posture exercises.
- Resistance exercises strengthen your muscles, making it easier for you to maintain good posture—critical for avoiding pain. Surprisingly, core exercises are especially important; weak core muscles can cause slouching.
- Flexibility exercises keep your muscles loose and increase your range of motion, helping you maintain proper alignment.
Performing both types of exercises regularly can help you maintain good posture more easily, so you can avoid neck, back, and other pain associated with poor posture.
10 Natural Remedies for Back Pain
Imagine not being able to sit up straight at work. Or imagine the guilt of having to let your kids down because your back pain is wrecking havoc on your ability to play with them. But don’t feel too guilty. Back pain is one of the most common health problems in the nation, more so …
The Best Posture Exercises for Neck and Back Pain
Ready to say good-bye to neck and back pain? Add these posture-improving exercises to your wellness routine.
Bird Dog
Good posture starts someplace unexpected: your core. When your core muscles are strong enough to keep you standing or sitting tall, your back has to do less work, and good posture will come more easily.
- On the floor or a mat, get into the tabletop position: on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Shift your weight to your left hand and right knee.
- Lift and extend your right arm in front of you and your left leg behind you.
- Hold, come back to center, and switch sides.
Cat/Cow Stretch
This stretch, a staple in yoga classes, is great for increasing flexibility in your back and strengthening your spine.
- On the floor or a mat, get into the tabletop position: on your hands and knees, with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Take a deep inhale; lift your chin to look at the wall in front of you. At the same time, arch your back and dip your stomach towards the ground. This is the “cow” position.
- Exhale and tuck your chin into your chest, rounding your back toward the ceiling—the “cat” pose.
- Repeat, alternating between cat and cow.
Doorway Stretch
Roll your shoulders forward and in towards your chest. Can you feel how your back automatically hunches forward, ruining your good posture? This is similar to what happens when your chest muscles are tight—they pull your shoulders forward, forcing your back to curve.
Luckily, there’s an easy fix for tight chest muscles: stretching. By loosening up your chest muscles and easing the tension in your shoulders, you can relax into a much better posture.
We love this stretch because it doesn’t require any equipment, just a doorway.
- Stand in an open doorway. Raise your arms so they’re parallel to the floor, placing your hands (or elbows; this can be done with bent arms) against the door frame.
- Walk through the door until you feel a stretch in your chest.
- Hold, then switch sides.
Neck Tilt
Just as the doorway stretch loosens your chest muscles and stops them from pulling your back into a curve or hunch, this stretch releases tension and tightness in your neck, keeping it loose and flexible. It also helps prevent neck pain—especially the dreaded “tech neck” that comes from spending too much time looking down at your devices.
- Sit or stand with good posture.
- Drop your left hand by your side.
- Raise your right arm, reaching over your head and placing your right hand near your left ear.
- Keeping your shoulders relaxed, use your right hand to gently guide your right ear towards your right shoulder.
- If you want to deepen this stretch, wrap your left hand behind your body, placing the top of your hand flat against the small of your back.
- Hold, then release and switch sides.
Planks are one of the most effective exercises for strengthening your entire core.
- Lay on the floor or a yoga mat, face down.
- Place your forearms on the ground, with your elbows under your shoulders. Your feet should be close together, but not touching.
- Pull your belly button to your spine, squeeze your glutes, and slowly lift your body off the ground.
- Keep your spine neutral with your body in a straight line. Pay extra attention to your hips; no sagging or lifting.
- Hold for 30 seconds, then lower to the ground. As you get stronger, add repetitions or time.
Scapular Squeezes
Strengthen your upper back muscles and support your neck with this easy exercise.
- Stand or sit up straight. Practice that good posture!
- Keep your hands at your sides and relax your shoulders.
- Pinch your shoulder blades together and hold for 3-5 seconds.
- Release, then repeat.
Shoulder Rolls
One of the most basic stretches is also one of the most effective! Once again, you want to loosen your muscles so that good posture is more natural and comfortable.
- Sit or stand, using good posture and alignment.
- Raise your shoulders up to your ears, then roll them backward in a circular motion.
Wall Angels
The frost-free version of snow angels is one of the best posture exercises.
- Stand with your back flat against the wall.
- Lift your arms at your side so that they’re against the wall and parallel to the floor, with your palms facing away from you.
- With your shoulders, elbows, and wrists firmly against the wall, lift your arms over your head.
- Squeeze those shoulder blades together!
- Hold your arms overhead, then lower and repeat.
Tips for Good Posture
Along with these exercises, here are some simple changes you can make to improve your posture.
- Be aware of your posture. Throughout the day, stop and notice your body position. Are you hunching forward or arching your back? Is your weight equally distributed? Is your spine straight? Make slight corrections whenever you notice your posture slipping.
- Take a break from sitting. Working at a desk all day? Make sure to get up and move around to prevent stiffness, which can lead to bad posture.
- Get good exercise. Our posture exercises are a great start, but your body needs a regular fitness routine to stay strong and flexible—two keys to good posture.
- Avoid “tech neck.” Looking down at your devices throughout the day is one of the worst things you can do for your neck—and your posture. Tech neck can cause back and neck pain, headaches, and even chronic fatigue.
The right supplement can be a total game-changer when it comes to straightening your posture. You already know that calcium is crucial for strong healthy bones—including your spine. But calcium alone isn’t enough.
That’s why we’re such big fans of Vitamin K2 Plus D3, power-packed with two vitamins that are essential for bone health.
- Vitamin D3 helps your body absorb calcium.
- Vitamin K2 makes sure calcium goes where it’s needed—your teeth and bones, including your spine.
Together, they make sure that your body has the calcium it needs, where it needs it, to support critical functions. And that includes supporting your spine for good posture.
Final Thoughts
Good posture is just a stretch away!
Daily habits like slouching, hunching over devices, or sitting and standing with poor alignment can disrupt your posture and lead to neck and back pain.
But you can undo the damage! By incorporating simple exercises to strengthen key muscles and improve flexibility, you’ll stand taller, move more comfortably, and prevent pain.
A little effort each day makes a big difference—straighten up and start feeling your best!
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