If you’ve been following the wellness industry, you’ve realized that taking a probiotic supplement is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health and well-being.
But shopping for probiotics can feel overwhelming.
What do you look for?
What’s important in a probiotic?
Do probiotics really do everything they advertise?
To take out the guesswork and ease your worries, we delved deep into the world of probiotics and can confidently recommend Just Thrive Probiotic.
Just Thrive has a full line of scientifically-backed products designed to support digestive, immune, and total body health.
Let’s explore everything you need to know about Just Thrive, their award-winning, spore-based probiotic & antioxidant, and how it surpasses other probiotics on the market.
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Has Your Gut Sprung a Leak?
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Why Just Thrive Probiotic Crushes the Competition
With tangible, proven positive health results that reach far beyond your digestive health, Just Thrive Probiotic exceeded our expectations in every category of comparison.
Here are the factors we looked at when choosing the best probiotic on the market.
1. Survivability
The biggest thing that sets Just Thrive Probiotic apart is survivability.
A supplement can contain millions or even billions of beneficial bacteria, yet still not have a positive impact on your health. In fact, it’s a myth that probiotics must be taken in large doses to be effective.
Why is this?
Because a probiotic is only effective if it survives.
Those beneficial bacterial strains need to make it to your gut, intact. They have to “arrive alive.”
The path to your gut isn’t an easy one for probiotics. Your stomach is designed to break down food for digestion as well as neutralize bacteria and other pathogens before they reach your gut, in order to keep you safe and healthy. That means the live bacterial strains in your probiotic need to make their way past bile, enzymes, and digestive juices with their strength intact in order to be truly effective.
And it’s not just probiotic supplements that are imperiled. Natural probiotics are equally vulnerable during their trek to your gut. In fact, 99.9% of the probiotic cells in supplements or foods, such as probiotic yogurt, will die before reaching your intestines and being absorbed by your body.[1]
This is one of the reasons why many other probiotic companies focus on the number of cells (also known as colony-forming units or CFUs) their products contain. They have to include an enormous amount of cells, in the hopes that at least some of them will make it, alive and healthy, all the way to your gut.
Just Thrive Probiotic doesn’t need to include an inflated number of bacterial cells, because, unlike most other probiotics in the market, their probiotic supplement is clinically-proven to have a 100% survivability rate.
What you consume is what you get!
Their hardiness is due to their ability to form a protective endospore shell. This impenetrable armor protects the probiotic bacteria during its treacherous journey to your gut microbiome. Then, when they reach your gut, their “shield” lowers and they get to work.
Why Your Body Needs Spore Probiotics
Discover why spore probiotics are the best probiotics and what look for in a supplement so you can receive the most health benefits.
2. Clinical Testing
Here’s an eye-opener for you.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate supplements, including probiotics.[2]
This means that any company can market its product as being “the best probiotic” and tout its effectiveness, without any actual proof, studies, or research to support its claims.
Here’s another myth for you. “More strains is better.”
This is completely false.
For a probiotic to be powerful and beneficial, quality—not quantity—is key.
There has never been a study that shows more strains is better. Having too many bacterial strains in a probiotic can actually hinder its efficacy if those strains don’t work well together or even compete with one another.
You are better off with a probiotic that has 3–4 strains where the synergy of the formula has been tested and verified than a product with 15–20 random strains.
Unlike other companies, Just Thrive doesn’t rely on what it thinks, hopes, or assumes its probiotics will do.
Just Thrive Probiotic is backed by years of clinical research and trials. The bacterial strains included in their probiotic supplement are the most well-studied on the market, with decades of research supporting the company’s results.
Here’s why the strains chosen by Just Thrive Probiotic make it the most effective probiotic for your overall health and well-being.
Bacillus Subtilis HU58™
Just Thrive Probiotic contains Bacillus subtilis HU58™, which has been studied extensively—including in several human clinical trials.
This powerful spore-based bacterial strain crowds out pathogenic gut bacteria while supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria, to help keep your gut microbiome balanced.
Bacillus subtilis HU58™ is also a huge asset to your immune system, producing nearly 12 defenders to fight off harmful bacteria and pathogens.[3]
Bacillus Indicus HU36™
Another proprietary super strain used in Just Thrive Probiotic is Bacillus indicus HU36™.
This spore-based strain performs a unique and exciting function in your body. Studies prove that it produces 15 potent antioxidants right in your gut, the most bio-available location in your body where they can be best absorbed.[4]
Antioxidants such as Lutein, Lycopene, Zeaxanthin, Astaxanthin—a few of the key antioxidants produced by Bacillus Indicus HU36™—defend your cells against free radicals, to support your overall physical and psychological wellness.
Just Thrive Probiotic is the first, and only, retail available probiotic on the market to feature Bacillus indicus HU36™ and the only probiotic approved by the FDA to say “probiotic and antioxidant” on the label.
Bacillus Clausii
Believe it or not, antibiotics are one of the biggest culprits of an unbalanced gut.
That’s because they target all bacteria, not differentiating between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. And in the resulting bacterial vacuum, bad bacteria have the space to flourish.
But Bacillus clausii is different. This spore-based strain can resist the damage caused by many common antibiotics.[3] And because its colonies have survived, strong and intact, your body can use Bacillus Clausii to populate your gut with beneficial bacteria that you likely have lost from antibiotic use.
Bacillus clausii has been prescribed extensively for years to help antibiotic users restore their gut balance, but now you can get it without a prescription thanks to Just Thrive Probiotic.
Antibiotics, Their Side Effects, and How to Avoid Them
Learn about antibiotics side effects (from long and short-term use) and what probiotics to take while on antibiotics to help repair the damage they cause to your gut health.
Bacillus Coagulans
Extensive studies and human trials show that Bacillus coagulans has the power to soothe digestive symptoms such as abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and irregular bowel movements.
Bacillus coagulans can also have a significant impact on inflammatory digestive disorders, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Crohn’s Disease.
3. Colonizes the Gut With Good Bacteria
Probiotics can do one of two things when they enter your gut.
- They pass through your gut just as food does, possibly having a positive effect but without producing any lasting changes.
- They stay in your gut, actively colonizing it with new, diverse colonies of beneficial bacteria.
Naturally, the second option is the one that can create long-term changes in your gut health.
And once again, Just Thrive proves that it’s the best brand of probiotics and the best option for your gut.
Unlike other probiotic supplements, its bacterial strains don’t just pass through your gut on their way out of your body.
Instead, Just Thrive Probiotic contains bacteria that belong in your gut. Once they enter your gut microbiome, they begin to crowd out the pathogenic bacteria while creating space for beneficial colonies to flourish.
4. Overall Health Benefits
The main purpose of probiotics is to support your digestive system.
But depending on the strains of bacteria included in its formulation, your probiotic can also lead to other health benefits.
While most other probiotics focus solely on gastrointestinal symptoms, Just Thrive Probiotic’s bacterial strains are carefully selected to create the best probiotic for gut health, immune response, and overall well-being.
Here are just a few of the clinically-proven physical, emotional, and mental benefits of Just Thrive Probiotic.
- Soothes digestive symptoms, including gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.
- Reduces G.I. issues, such as IBS and related autoimmune conditions
- Optimizes immune response
- Produces antioxidants at the most bio-available location in your body
- Encourages superior nutrient absorption
- Supports sleep quality and quantity
- Improves energy
- Promotes clear skin
- Regulates mood and ability to handle stress
- Encourages a healthy weight
It’s not just your digestive system that can experience the benefits of taking probiotics. Choose a supplement that’ll help your entire body feel better.
5. Long-Term Effectiveness
With so many benefits, it makes sense that you’ll want to make probiotics part of your daily lifestyle.
Unfortunately, many probiotic supplements on the market don’t allow you to do that. They’re designed to be “cycled”—used intermittently or alternated with other probiotics.
The idea of cycling or rotating probiotics was born from the fact that many probiotics stop working after a month or two of use—the reason being that most probiotics are too weak to produce any lasting change in the gut.
A truly effective probiotic will not stop working after 1-2 months of taking it. For example, Bacillus spore strains—like those in Just Thrive Probiotic—will continue to protect your gut and promote a balanced and healthy microbiome as long as you are taking them.
This is why Just Thrive Probiotic, unlike others on the market, is made for long-term usage.
- You can enjoy the benefits to your mind and body without disruptions.
- You don’t have to try to find other, compatible probiotics for cycling.
- You don’t have to remember when to take one probiotic versus the other.
There’s never a reason to switch, because they just work! And if you don’t believe it, they’ve got 1000+ 5 star reviews to prove it.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to recommending a quality probiotic, there was one clear winner in every category we considered: Just Thrive Probiotic.
Overall, Just Thrive has carefully selected spore-based strains to maximize your health. And, they’ve formulated their probiotic supplement in a way that guarantees that those beneficial strains survive the journey to your gut microbiome, where they can get right to work.
Just as importantly, Just Thrive relies on years of trials, data, and research to ensure that its probiotic works as powerfully as it advertises.
Delivering incredible, long-lasting results, Just Thrive Probiotic deserves its well-earned reputation for being the best probiotic in the industry.
And if you are still unsure, the company also offers you peace of mind. Every Just Thrive purchase is covered by their Bottom of the Bottle, 100% money back guarantee.
That means that if for any reason you’re not satisfied with your results, you can ask for a full product refund at any time. Even if it’s months or years later, and even if the bottle is empty!
- https://www.nutraingredients.com/Article/2015/11/20/quality-control-of-probiotics-is-lacking-study-suggests
- https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/probiotics-what-you-need-to-know
- https://justthrivehealth.com/blogs/blog/what-exactly-is-bacillus
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4663564/
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