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In a civilization that seeks simple solutions, we have a quick cure for almost everything that ails us.
Digestive issues… acne… joint and muscle pains… mood disorders…
It’s easy to get a prescription, pop a pill, and ignore the possible side effects.
But what if the cure to your health issues isn’t found in the pharmacy?
What if the cure is… bacteria?
Yes, you read that right.
Bacteria could be the ultimate solution to having a healthy, happy mind and body. Specifically, the bacteria found in spore probiotics.
Are you ready to explore the world of bacteria? Let’s take a closer look at how probiotics work and how to choose the most effective ones for maximum health benefits.
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Has Your Gut Sprung a Leak?
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What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are live bacteria found in food, drink, and supplements that are identical (or very similar) to the beneficial bacteria already present in your gut microbiome. They heal your gut, support your immune system, and restore your gut microbiome to its optimal balance.
Let’s take a closer look at how probiotics deliver these health benefits.
Why You Need Probiotics
Your body is already teeming with millions of bacteria. Some of these are good (beneficial) bacteria. Others are bad (pathogenic) bacteria.
Both types are found all over your body: in your mouth, nose, and throat, on your skin, and—perhaps most importantly—residing inside your digestive tract, in what’s known as your gut microbiome.
There’s only so much space within your gut. Ideally, the beneficial bacterial colonies will outweigh the colonies of pathogenic bacteria. When this happens, your gut will promote your physical, emotional, and mental health.
Unfortunately, the opposite is usually the case. Your bad bacteria outnumber the good bacteria, producing a state known as dysbiosis.
Not sure if your gut is in dysbiosis? Chances are, it is! In fact, most people are living with dysbiosis, they just don’t know it… they chalk up digestive issues, skin conditions, joint pain, and anxiety to a stressful lifestyle, allergies, and other causes.
How Probiotics Help Your Body
When you consume probiotics, the beneficial bacteria join forces with your good gut bacteria, boosting both their quantity and quality.
Since your gut has a limited amount of “real estate,” this crowds out the pathogenic bacteria. The good bacteria will flourish, while the bad bacteria will be greatly reduced. This moves your body away from harmful dysbiosis and back into its best, healthiest state.
How to Consume Probiotics
With their undeniable health benefits, probiotics should be part of any wellness routine.
Here are the best ways to consume probiotics for a healthier mind and body.
Probiotics in Food and Drinks
Probiotics occur naturally in certain foods and drinks, especially those that have been fermented.
During fermentation, the bacteria and yeast that occur naturally in these foods break down sugars, producing alcohol or acids. This chemical process turns one type of food into a different food. For example, fermented soybeans can be made into tempeh, natto, or miso; fermented cabbage (or other vegetables) is used to make sauerkraut.
Good bacteria thrive in the environment created during fermentation, multiplying and strengthening their colonies. Bad bacteria, on the other hand, don’t survive easily in this environment.
The result? Delicious, nutritious foods filled with gut-healthy probiotics. And even better, most of them are easily found in your local grocery store.
Some of the most popular options for a probiotic-friendly diet include:
- Kefir
- Kimchi
- Kombucha
- Miso
- Natto
- Sauerkraut
- Soft cheese (check labels)
- Sourdough bread
- Tempeh
- Yogurt
The one drawback to probiotic foods is the uniquely strong, sour taste and odor created during fermentation, which doesn’t appeal to everybody.
If you don’t enjoy these foods, or if they aren’t a part of your diet/lifestyle, supplements are a fantastic way to introduce probiotics into your system.
9 Best Vegan Probiotics For Gut Health
If you do not consume dairy, here are some vegan probiotic foods that are are fantastic when it comes to taking care of your gut health.
Probiotic Supplements
Probiotic supplements also contain strands of beneficial bacteria, but they can be taken in a more easily ingested pill or powder form.
But here’s the surprising truth: most probiotic supplements don’t work.
See, in order for your probiotic supplement to work, it has to “arrive alive” in your gut microbiome. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case.
- Internal Conditions: Your probiotic has to navigate a treacherous path before its final destination, passing through a harsh environment that includes bile, digestive enzymes, and stomach acid. While necessary for digestion, research shows that they kill 99.99% of probiotic strains on contact… rendering your supplement completely ineffective.
- Temperature: Other probiotic strains can’t be kept at room temperature and require refrigeration. This makes survivability within your body highly unlikely. Think about it. If these probiotics can’t survive ambient temperature, how will they survive your 98.6 degrees internal temperature?
The sad reality is that the vast majority of probiotic supplements die long before they reach your gut.
But don’t let that discourage you from taking probiotics. There’s good news, too!
Clinical research shows that there are a handful of probiotic strains that will make it to your gut microbiome fully alive and fully potent.
In fact, our favorite probiotic from Just Thrive survives 100% of the time. It’s 1,000 times more effective than other brands. It’s even more powerful than probiotic-rich yogurt.
Its incomparable survivability means that your supplement will journey through the heat of your body, endure your entire digestive tract, survive stomach acid that’s strong enough to dissolve metal, and arrive in your gut microbiome completely unharmed and ready to do its job.
The Top Probiotic Choice: Spore Probiotics
When it comes to probiotic supplements, one option clearly stands out: spore probiotics.
A spore-based probiotic contains beneficial bacteria found in soil, dirt, and other natural organisms. They’re rich and dense, chock-full of the benefits that only Mother Nature can provide.
Centuries or even decades ago, humans consumed these naturally when we picked produce from our gardens and ate them regularly. Unfortunately, the combination of genetically modified, chemical-laden foods, the over-sanitization of natural foods, and overprocessed Western diets means that we rarely, if ever, consume healthy spore probiotics on our own.
Instead, we need to gain them from probiotic supplements.
Regular Probiotics vs. Spore Probiotics
Traditional probiotics, such as those found in food and drinks, tend to be one of two strains: Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium.
Despite being overwhelmingly common, they are incredibly ineffective. In fact, most of these won’t even make it to your gut microbiome. Either your stomach acids or your internal body temperature will kill them well before they can begin to turn your health around.
And if they don’t make it to your gut microbiome alive, how can they possibly impact your health?
A spore-based probiotic such as “Spore Bacillus” bacteria, on the other hand, is designed to survive these harsh environments.
Spore bacillus bacteria are surrounded by a tough, armor-like outer shell (known as an endospore) that allows them to survive your harsh digestive environment. They make it all the way to your gut healthy, strong, and ready to do their job!
Once they arrive, they lower their natural armor and muscle their way into your large intestine. There, they crowd out bad bacteria, eliminate harmful toxins and microbes, and rebalance your gut so your colonies of beneficial bacteria can thrive once more.
Digestive Enzymes vs. Probiotics… What’s The Diff?
Probiotics and enzymes are being talked about non-stop in the health community and this might be a silly question, but… what’s the diff? See significant improvements on your health when you feed your body with the best probiotic and enzymes.
Choosing the Right Spore Probiotic
The right probiotic will make all the difference in the efficiency of your supplement—and its results on your health.
Here are some important things to keep in mind when you choose a probiotic supplement.
Choose a Spore Bacillus Strain
We already discussed the superiority of spore probiotics. But the right bacterial strain will give you the powerhouse results you want for a healthy gut and turbo-charged immune system.
But with so many different strains on the market, which one is best?
The answer is a “Spore Bacillus” strain. These are the most effective strains of beneficial bacteria, with unparalleled strength and an astonishing ability to self-protect.
Our top pick for a Spore Bacillus probiotic is this supplement from Just Thrive. It’s the only probiotic on the market containing not one but four of the most well-researched, proprietary Spore Bacillus strains available. And thanks to its proprietary endospore shell, it’s been clinically proven in multiple studies to arrive 100% alive in your gut for maximum impact.
Make Sure It’s DNA Verified
A University of California study found that only 1 in 16 probiotics actually contained the strains and potency listed on their labels. With over 93% of probiotic supplements, you have no idea what’s actually going into your body.
By and large, the probiotic industry isn’t regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
So how can you be sure of what you’re really getting in your probiotic supplement?
Check labels and websites for proof of DNA Verification to ensure that you know exactly what you’re getting. Make sure you read carefully and contact the manufacturer if you have any questions at all about their ingredients.
Opt for Quality over Quantity
Some companies really try to push “the more, the better” marketing hype with their probiotics. They boast about the billions of bacterial strains they contain, making you think they give you better results.
But science has already proven the truth: quality beats quantity, every single time.
Forget about those “everything but the kitchen sink” unproven strains. Your best choice is a probiotic with fewer strains that have:
- Been clinically tested.
- Are proven to work well together.
Final Thoughts
Finding the right probiotic might sound like a lot of work (and it can be), but it’s worth it, for the sake of your emotional, mental, and physical health.
For maximum health benefits, spore probiotics are far superior to regular probiotics. With their high survivability rate, they’ll make it strong and intact all the way to your gut microbiome.
Once they team up with your beneficial bacterial colonies, they’ll start working to support your immune system, boost your overall health, and leave you feeling strong, energetic, and resilient.
Use our guidelines above to find the best spore-based probiotic supplement, and start living your healthiest life.
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