Good Skin From Within
The story is all too common. You have the perfect skincare routine, the best lotions and potions, you keep up to date all the latest tips and trends, but you still have issues with your skin.
It’s not your fault, trust us. It’s your gut’s.
The skincare industry would love for you to believe lotions and potions will give you great skin. In fact, they sell billions of dollars in products that make big promises but don’t deliver. We’re not saying to skip moisturizer, we’re saying the real issues with skin lie deep down.
If you want healthy skin, it starts with your gut microbiome. Yes, beauty literally begins from the inside out. If you have struggled with acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis or any other skin condition, you know firsthand how frustrating, uncomfortable, or embarrassing they can be. These conditions can seriously affect your quality of life.
When you stop and think about it, this gut-skin connection actually makes a lot of sense. Your skin is the lining that interacts with the world around you, while your gastrointestinal tract deals with everything you eat, breathe, and swallow.
The foods you eat are metabolized and by-products from food breakdown are directly available to your skin. This is why what you eat has so much influence over your skin’s appearance. We like to think of your skin as a window into the health of your gut.
Functional Medicine And Skincare
Functional medicine practitioners have actually found that acne and many other skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema as inflammatory disorders of the autoimmune spectrum. Healing any inflammation or disorders of the gut can have a significant impact on the health and appearance of the skin as they’re incredibly connected.
Psoriasis, for example, has a similar pathogenic pathway to chronic inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease. Skin is external but its quality and presentation are created on the inside.
Here are a few reasons that great skin starts in your gut:
- A skin flare-up can be an intestinal flare-up in disguise. For the past 80 years, dermatologists have been studying the skin-gut connection. What’s happening in your gut is linked to skin inflammation. It’s important to find out what’s influencing how your intestines function so that you can regulate your skin.
- Digestive issues are linked with dry skin. Hear me out. Research shows that right foods can provide health benefits to the skin as well as the gut. But how do you know what’s right food for you. This is where Viome comes in. It analyzes your gut microbiome to tell you what the right foods are for you but more importantly what foods to avoid and why. Researchers are now finding clear connection between skin problems and abnormal bowel movements.
- Acne is linked to leaky gut. Gut inflammation weakens the skin’s role as a protective outer barrier. Underlying the issue of acne is gastrointestinal health as researchers have long discovered that people with acne face also face distress in their digestive system.

How To Heal Your Skin
The bottom line is this – if you’re struggling with your skin, stop wasting money on creams, lotions, and other topical treatments. It’s likely that your problem is your gut!
Everyone’s gut microbiome requires a unique diet. Through testing tens of thousands of microbiomes, it has been found that one man’s food is another man’s poison and what you need is an individually tailored diet that works just for your microbiome.
So what’s the solution? Learn more about your microbiome.
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