It is a truth universally acknowledged that the holidays are the best time of year for merrymaking—but the worst time for our health. Sugar cookies, seasonal pies, and festive cocktails beckon at every turn, making it a little bit too easy to “cheat” here or there.
These temptations could be a recipe for disaster, particularly when combined with notoriously high stress levels caused by holiday shopping, travel, and family logistics.
But don’t worry!
These five easy holiday hacks will allow you can make the most of your valuable time with family and friends, while staying healthy and energized throughout the season.
5 Holiday Hacks for a Stress-Free, Fun Season
No one wants to feel like a zombie during the holidays! So here are five steps to reduce stress, feel your best, and be prepared for whatever this holiday season throws at you.
Step 1: Create an Action Plan
A little bit of holiday planning goes a long way. You can stay strong by preparing yourself mentally before you arrive at any holiday gathering—and by knowing what to do once you arrive.
Before you arrive, know your goals and verbally commit. By declaring your intentions to a friend or family member, you’re more likely to stick to them. Once you arrive, learn to find your favorite substitutes; for every unhealthy option you’ll see at a typical holiday mixer, there’s probably also a healthier option hiding somewhere. You just have to find it!
When in doubt, sparkling water and lime “mocktails” are a great choice in place of sugary, alcoholic cocktails.
Olives, guacamole, and veggie platters are good snack choices in a pinch.
Avoid the store-bought “treats’ that are so common at parties; they universally contain ingredients that will lower your health…and your holiday spirit.
Remember: self-improvement is the goal of being bulletproof, not being perfect! Even if you cave in once or twice, don’t give up altogether. It’s much better to cut your losses than to give up. Any steps you can take in the right direction will improve your overall health.
Step 2: Detox With Activated Charcoal and Glutathione
There’s no reason to wait until after the holidays to detox. New Year’s Resolutions are psychologically proven to not work very well anyway.
Instead, you can detox as you go. First, take coconut charcoal before and after you consume alcohol, other toxins, or foods of unknown quality; this ensures that many of the toxins you’re being exposed to will be safely removed from your body.
Activated charcoal is one of the world’s oldest detoxing remedies that’s been used for centuries in Eastern and Western medicine for its ability to capture, bind, and remove from your body far more than its own weight in toxins.
Next, by taking glutathione, dubbed the “super antioxidant,” you will further protect your brain and body against the damage of bad food and alcohol. It detoxifies your body by supporting your liver’s natural detox abilities, removing cell waste, combatting inflammation, and promoting cardiovascular health. In fact, glutathione is one of the most powerful detox supplements you can take.
12 Tips For Detoxing the Body
Toxins are all around us, but by adding these 12 healthy habits to our daily lives, we can detox our bodies and get back to feeling our best.
Step 3: Hack Your Hangover
For optimal health you should avoid alcohol altogether, though even I have a drink from time to time. If you do decide to drink, the below infographic lays out all your options on a scale from best to worst. It’s not just how much you drink, but what you drink.
Beer and wine are the highest in hangover-causing toxins, so steer clear of those in favor of the highest quality vodkas and distilled spirits you can find.

Luckily, you can reduce the aging and hangover effects of the alcohol as it breaks down in your body with a little biohacking.
By taking glutathione before and after you drink, you can block the conversion of alcohol into aldehyde: one of the most damaging metabolites in causing both hangovers and early aging.
You can get a smaller effect by taking one Vitamin C capsule, along with one N-Acetyl Cysteine capsule. This costs about $0.11 per drink, so it won’t break the bank—and don’t forget all the time you’ll save by preventing a hangover.
Step 4: Become a Bulletproof Traveller
Identify your top holiday stressors in order to learn how to reduce or avoid them, and travel is a huge one. Many Americans will journey far and wide this month, so these pointers will get you started staying bulletproof on the road.
On Airplanes
Air travel and jet lag are brutal on your body. Make sure you stay well hydrated before, during, and after your flight. If you have a cold, use pressure-relieving earplugs called “Earplanes” to relieve sinus problems.
If you’re willing to invest in a pulse oximeter from your drugstore, you can even hack your blood oxygen levels while flying.
At Restaurants
If you find yourself eating out at restaurants more than normal, be sure to ask for the gluten-free menu options, or order a series of veggie sides to replace the usual starch. In addition, if you are worried about accidental gluten exposure, you can also take Gluten Away by Just Thrive before your meal. It acts as your safety net, working to quickly to break down hidden gluten before it causes pain and discomfort.
If you get to choose the restaurant, pick a high quality sushi restaurant—just make sure to avoid soy sauces, imitation crab, and anything fried, like tempura. Sushi isn’t a holiday treat for most people…but it should be! The detoxing agents will help as well.
Don’t forget to pack Upgraded™ Coconut Charcoal, Upgraded™ Glutathione Force, Vitamin C, and NAC on all your trips this year.
Step 5: Be the Host (Or the Best Guest)
Have you considered hosting a simple and healthy holiday party? Most friends will greatly appreciate the novelty and will have a chance to take a break from the unhealthy marathon of the winter months.
Even if you aren’t able to throw your own party this year, you can be the gracious guest that never shows up empty-handed. You can be a great guest while also always ensuring there’s something you can eat.
Final Thought: Keep It Simple
Holiday shopping is an added financial source of stress for many. By focusing your holiday spirit (and funds) on activities instead of material goods, like infrared sauna sessions, yoga, massage, and meditation, you can maintain the healthy edge during the holiday season. These all make great gifts that are easier on the checkbook as well.
However you spend the holidays, make sure you to stop from time to time to take it all in and appreciate the people and blessings in your life. Happy holidays!
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